Entries by Tim Kortze

Can an Air Conditioner Cause a Sore Throat?

Your air conditioner delivers fresh, cool air throughout your home. However, it can occasionally cause some physical discomfort. While your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is designed to make your space more comfortable, it might also be the culprit of your sore throat. For anyone, a sore throat can be a nuisance that makes it challenging […]

Importance of Residential Electrical Maintenance

Regular electrical maintenance and inspections help keep your home’s electrical systems working correctly and safely. When you schedule professional maintenance and inspection service, you can keep your energy bills in-check and ensure your appliances work as intended. You also identify common electrical problems and safeguard your home and family from dangers. Keep reading to learn […]

Why Is My Kitchen Sink Gurgling?

While kitchen sink gurgling might seem like a minor issue, it could signify a larger problem in your pipes. Your sinks and drains should quickly and quietly drain water, carrying it through your pipes and away from your drains. However, many homeowners and business owners deal with annoying gurgling at one point or another. Gurgling […]

Choosing the Right EV Charger

Electric vehicles (EVs) are excellent choices for anyone who wants to invest in an alternative fuel source. They run on battery power, helping you to reduce your daily fossil fuel use and costs. Along with cutting your fuel costs, EVs can help you save thousands of dollars in maintenance savings during your vehicle’s life. If you […]